We are best when it comes to the intangible:
The creation, marketing and enforcement of rights lies at the heart of an enterprise, be it digital, media, or tech oriented. We have helped hundreds of clients with everything from the drafting and negotiation of contracts, and enforcing rights to the creation of visionary strategies. This includes legal challenges in commercial business and corporate transactions and acquisitions.
In the media and television industry we have acquired a unique status when it comes to bringing broadcasters from outside of Europe into the EU. We also know from our own TV projects, which EU regulatory regime is the best fit for which channel and program. More than 150 channels have benefited from our legal knowledge and practical know how. We are currently focusing on UK based channels that will potentially need a new regulatory seat after BREXIT. For more details see our dedicated website www.crossbordertv.com
Another focus is the rapidly converging sports tech entertainment industry. Games are secured by insurance experts, transmission rights are sold to channels, web-applications are metered for usage. The possibilities of blockchain are mind-blowing. These areas are all highly familiar to our team, often from businesses we are personally engaged in.
Finally, SCHMITSPARTNERS serve as the outsourced legal department of many international clients for their German or European ventures. We take this as evidence of the deep trust in both our legal and managerial excellence.